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Measuring peptide partitioning

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:31

Interaction between cell membranes and polypeptides are central to many biological phenomena. These include insertion and folding of membrane proteins, toxin movement across the membrane and the action of antibiotic peptides.

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Building a global soil database

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:30

Soil data is important for managing land use and directing environmental policy. A recent project has developed a working prototype for a global soil and terrain database.

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Building a network to transport carbon dioxide

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:29

EU researchers have developed a shared system for transporting carbon dioxide (CO2) gas from industrial plants. This solution can help to mitigate climate change, both within Europe and internationally.

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Using satellite data sources to monitor nitrogen emissions

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:28

Scientists are using new techniques to sense nitrogen oxides (NOx) in order to improve air quality modelling in Turkey.

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