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Integrated assessment of new technologies

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:34

An EU-funded project has developed an integrated technique for measuring the sustainability of new technologies.

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Optimised artificial grafts for severe skin defects

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:34

A European research initiative is continuing development of the skin substitutes Novomaix, denovoDerm and denovoSkin. Clinical studies will test a one-step surgical procedure.

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Driving insulation costs down for refrigerated transport

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:33

Currently, the transportation of cold or frozen products is wasting energy through a lack of optimal insulation. European researchers are developing inexpensive but highly insulating polymers for the refrigerated transport sector.

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Efficient production of non-natural amino acids

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:32

Many of the building blocks of biological systems, such as amino acids, are produced exclusively as one of two mirror images called stereoisomers. In drug production where two mirror image enantiomers are possible, a high percentage of the desired form is a crucial factor.

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