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Achieving optimal online marketing through cutting edge analysis

Δεκ 27, 2013 11:03

Spending on internet advertising recently surpassed newspaper spending, with heavy investment in non-traditional social media marketing programmes. This highlights the fact that businesses - large and small - are beginning to tap into the unique communicative power of social media.

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Simple and effective resource efficiency measures along the food supply chain

Δεκ 27, 2013 11:02

An EU-funded project has shown that it is possible to reduce water consumption in fruit farming by over 40% while still maintaining the same quality and yield. This was the chief finding of the RESFOOD project's first field trial of blackberry growth in soilless crops.

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Science cafes online

Δεκ 27, 2013 08:42

Science cafes (SCs) provide an online forum for discussing science. An EU programme was set up to look after them.

The EU-funded project 'The science cafes network' (SCICAFE) created a network of online SCs in various cities across Europe and abroad. These took the form of sophisticated chat rooms for the discussion of science.

Cloud watching improves climate models

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:39

Clouds and cloud cover create a lot of uncertainty in climate models as their effects are difficult to quantify or predict. A new project is developing novel ways to measure clouds and their impact in order to overcome this uncertainty.

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