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Innovative Digital Preservation Using Social Search in Agent Environments

Δεκ 27, 2013 11:07

The DURAFILE project aims to develop a platform to create a common infrastructure that will facilitate the interchange of digital preservation plans for multimedia files.

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Infrared sheds light on single protein complexes

Δεκ 27, 2013 11:06

Researchers from the nanoscience research center CIC nanoGUNE, the Freie Universität Berlin and Neaspec company employ nano-FTIR spectroscopy for label-free chemical and structural imaging of proteins with nanoscale spatial resolution and with sensitivity to single protein complexes of less than one attogram (10-18 gram). The work has been published recently in Nature Communications.

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Grass as the new biofuel

Δεκ 27, 2013 11:05

A new European research project seeks grass crops that could be grown and harvested on marginal lands, away from areas suitable for food crops.

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Low energy district renovation

Δεκ 27, 2013 11:04

Renovations of entire districts, designed to reach near zero energy consumption, need to be replicable if they are to be widely adopted.

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