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Biowaste converts to biofuel

Δεκ 30, 2013 12:45

Scientists are using algae to convert biowaste to biogas and solid combustible pellets. The same technology is removing hazardous nitrogen and phosphates from the waste and carbon dioxide (CO2) from industrial emissions.

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New technology for extracting virgin olive oil

Δεκ 30, 2013 12:40

Olive oil is an important EU product, virgin olive oil in particular. Researchers have devised a new technology that can be introduced into existing olive mills to improve virgin olive oil yields.

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Safety trials for dobutamine use in infants

Δεκ 30, 2013 12:39

Neonatal circulatory failure in the first two days after birth leads to impaired blood flow and can result in brain injury and decreased neurodevelopment. A European consortium is addressing the efficacy and safety of the drug dobutamine, which is currently used to treat systemic hypotension in infants.

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Accurate measurements of high-energy particle collisions

Δεκ 30, 2013 12:35

Immediately after the Big Bang, conditions in the Universe could be likened to a hot, dense 'primordial soup'. Scientists have developed techniques to ensure that similar conditions created in particle accelerators provide an accurate looking glass into the beginnings of time.

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