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Molecular events governing lymphocyte development

Ιαν 13, 2014 10:50

During development, cell emergence, differentiation and maturation are tightly regulated by the specific action of various transcription factors. A European study is investigating the function of two highly similar splicing variants of the same gene during lymphocyte development.

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Sensing changes in molecule structure

Ιαν 13, 2014 10:49

EU-funded scientists have demonstrated for the first time the use of microscopic diving boards to detect conformational changes in adsorbed molecules. They then identified a potential drug to inhibit such a change in a target protein.

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Ultrasonics and better frozen foods

Ιαν 13, 2014 10:48

Ultrasonics can modify ice crystals as food freezes. Smaller crystals mean better preservation of the food's structure, taste and quality.

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A control system for olive oil production

Ιαν 13, 2014 10:47

A new sensor measures oil content in olive paste, allowing real-time factory automation. This development means more complete oil extraction, greater yields and improved profitability for oil producers.

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