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A streamlined power source for security systems

Ιαν 13, 2014 11:10

Introducing a stackable-type power supply to security and alarm systems could help enhance their reliability and strengthen the industry. This will also help to improve safety and security standards in Europe.

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Improved safety for critical aircraft components

Ιαν 13, 2014 11:09

Titanium and its alloys have become the materials of choice for structural components in the aerospace sector. EU-funded scientists developed previously lacking non-destructive testing (NDT) of sub-surface defects that could save lives.

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Potential for a biodegradable micro-irrigation system

Ιαν 13, 2014 11:08

Micro-irrigation is a method of watering that delivers small quantities of water directly to the roots of crop plants. Scientists have made progress towards developing a non-toxic, biodegradable piping system for micro-irrigation purposes.

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Easy road to high-tech business innovation

Ιαν 13, 2014 11:03

An online tool for business support in the electromechanical field that promises to enhance innovation has been successfully tested and launched.

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