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Novel device enhancing care for older generation

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:44

Fall detectors, used mostly by the elderly, are limited by bad ergonomics and unreliability. A group of researchers proposed a new-generation device encompassing a whole fall detection system that enables early intervention and minimises the consequences of falls for this vulnerable population.

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Battling fraud in communications technology

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:42

The communications sector is replete with fraud attempts and scams. A new EU-funded solution has been designed to help overcome these high-tech threats.

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T lymphocytes in Epstein-Barr infections

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:41

The Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) is a virus of the herpes family that causes cancers, immuno-proliferative disorders and acute infectious mononucleosis (AIM). European researchers wish to dissect the immune pathways triggered following EBV infection.

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Promoting cooperation between European and Canadian researchers

Ιαν 21, 2014 13:19

A fundamental aspect of European research policy is the establishment of cross-border cooperation, not just within the European Union but across the globe. This is why an ambitious project to connect European researchers with their counterparts in Canada was recently launched.


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