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Energy storage promotes renewable energy sources

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:56

Researchers funded by the EU have developed multi technology storage system that will help reduce reliance on fossil fuels. The system provides greater flexibility and balance to the thermal/electrical grid by acting as a backup for intermittent renewable energy sources (RESs).

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Robots to help maintain offshore infrastructure

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:55

New robotic equipment shows much promise in advancing the maintenance of critical offshore oil infrastructure in Europe and thus enhancing its safety.

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Extracting bioproducts from yeast

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:54

Mass production of bioproducts has been held back by the high cost of their recovering and purification. But now things are about to change thanks to an EU-funded initiative that has developed a new, simple and inexpensive processing system for intracellular products produced from industrial yeast.

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Squeezing profits out of olive oil production residues

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:53

European researchers came together under the EN-X-OLIVE project to make profit from waste from olive oil production. Their approach centred on advancing research into new technological procedures for this important economic sector of Mediterranean basin countries.

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