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Cell-specific cancer treatment

Ιαν 21, 2014 23:00

Modern sequencing technologies create data that link diseases such as cancer to personal genetic information. Can we use this genetic information in the development of new therapeutic principles?

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Europe needs an innovation-driven economy

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:59

Can financial markets spur long-term growth to help Europe shift out of crisis mode? A group of prominent economists and innovation experts from seven top institutions and universities in Europe explored the link between the financial sector and the real economy.

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Emerging modern identities in Eastern Europe

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:58

European researchers investigated how regional, national and European identities are formed through individual and group narratives and practices. The EU-funded project considered a broad range of influences by drawing on actual practices.

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A Robotic Platform to deliver smart, user empowering Robotic Applications

Ιαν 21, 2014 22:57

RAPP, a new research project funded by the European Commission through its FP7 programme, introduces the idea of robots as platforms.

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