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ERC Story - Sound advice: modelling music halls

Μαρ 04, 2014 09:34

Have you ever seen an engineer conducting an imaginary orchestra? We think of scientists working in a lab, but Professor Tapio Lokki, of the Aalto University School of Science in Finland, has spent the last few years visiting concert halls and making meticulous measurements of their characteristics. 'Karaoke' is Japanese for 'empty orchestra' – and in some ways that is what he has created to help his studies. The research could lead to improved building designs and a form of audio 'Augmented Reality' (AR).

ERC Story - A ‘smart’ knife to fight cancer, crime and contamination

Μαρ 04, 2014 09:31

Cancer is one of the most challenging medical issues we face. In the United Kingdom alone, there are 300,000 new cases every year – leading to almost two million surgical operations annually. Thanks to ERC funding, Dr Zoltán Takáts of Imperial College London has developed a ‘smart’ surgical knife that can ‘smell’ the tissues it is cutting through – with the potential to revolutionise cancer treatment, as well as food and drug analysis, and research into the human ‘microbiome’.

Factors affecting mycotoxin production

Μαρ 04, 2014 09:29

Annually, about 25 % of food crops are globally contaminated by fungal toxins (mycotoxins) and their consumption causes acute and chronic diseases in humans and animals. Natural and synthetic food-grade preservatives inhibit mould (fungus) formation but the role of environment in their inhibition efficacy is poorly understood.

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Elucidating the natural mechanisms of tumour suppression

Μαρ 04, 2014 09:28

Cells can naturally enter a state of arrested replication and division under certain conditions. Scientists are studying the mechanisms promoting or inhibiting such a state with implications for tumour suppression.

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