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EC Funding Opportunities for Small-to-Medium Sized Enterprises; The SME Instrument, 17-18 October 2018, Amsterdam

Σεπ 26, 2018 11:47

This unique training course is aimed at enabling organisations to better understand and take advantage of the various European funding opportunities suitable for SMEs, equipping participants with the necessary skills and know-how to produce high-quality and successful SME Instrument proposals.

Training Course “Project management and financial reporting of Horizon 2020 projects – ADVANCED COURSE” (Rome, 2nd-3rd October 2018)

Σεπ 17, 2018 11:08

This course aims at analysing in detail Horizon 2020 financial rules, taking into account the problematic issues faced in practice by universities, research centres and enterprises in the daily management of H2020 projects. By the end of the course the participants will be equipped with practical knowledge and operational tools enabling them to effectively manage H2020 projects.

23-24/10/2018 - AMEF2018-Additive Manufacturing European Forum (Brussels, Belgium)

Σεπ 17, 2018 10:54

The EU-funded AM-motion project will be organising a forum in Brussels, Belgium, on 23-24 October, 2018.

Further information:

27-28/02/2019 - European Food & Beverage Plastic Packaging Summit (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Σεπ 10, 2018 08:46

Following three successful editions of ACI’s European Food & Beverage Plastic Packaging Summit, the 4th edition will be taking place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on 27-28th February 2019.

Further information:


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