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12/12/2018 - European IPR Helpdesk Annual Event (Brussels, Belgium)

Νοε 12, 2018 10:35

Blockchain has for too long been associated solely with the digital currency Bitcoin. But what is Blockchain technology and what makes it a disruptive innovation? What’s the impact of Blockchain technology on Intellectual Property and the protection of it?

Join the European IPR Helpdesk Annual Event 2018, on December 12th, in Brussels to find out!

Related link:

09/11/2018 - ICO2chem at Ecomondo 2019: international green economy expo (Rimini, Italy)

Νοε 08, 2018 11:56

The presentation titled “ICO2CHEM Project: From industrial CO2 streams to added value Fischer-Tropsch chemicals and fuels” will be held by Andrea Lanzini, Marco Marchese, Emanuele Giglio, and Massimo Santarelli during a half-day conference promoted by Ecomondo Scientific Technical Committee, Italian Minister of Economic Development and Italian Cluster of Green Chemistry, SPRING, on Friday, November 9, 2018. The location is the Biobased Industry Room at Rimini Fiera, Rimini, Italy.

Further information:

The MEST Graduate-Level Entrepreneurial Training in Business, Communications and Software Development Training Program

Νοε 02, 2018 11:27

Deadline: 8 February 2019
Open to: business oriented applicants who are interested in learning how to start a software company
Benefits: the MEST program is fully funded, including free tuition, room and board, 3 meals per day and a small monthly stipend


MEST offers a fully sponsored 12-month graduate-level entrepreneurial training in business, communications and software development, including extensive hands-on project work, culminating in a final pitch and the chance to receive seed funding.

How to Scale Up Your Start Up

Οκτ 22, 2018 10:11

About the Course
As part of the growing regional cooperation between Israel-Cyprus and Greece and acknowledging the great importance of cooperation in the field of innovation; high technology and entrepreneurship - we are happy to initiate this course on the topic of- Innovation Road Map: How to Scale Up Your Start Up.



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