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Call for proposals: Projects on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP)

Ιαν 14, 2016 21:43

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, is launching a call for proposals, acting under the powers delegated by the European Commission with a view to concluding grant agreements for the implementation of projects on Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP).

EIT’s 2016 Call for Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) Proposals

Ιαν 14, 2016 11:08

The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) invites applicants to submit their proposals with a view to selecting and designating a
Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC) in each of the following thematic areas:

1) Food4Future - Sustainable Supply Chain from Resources to Consumers; and
2) Added-value Manufacturing

The deadline for the submission of proposals is: 14 July 2016 [17h00 local time in Brussels]

Further details:

EU Action Grants Combating Different Forms of Intolerance

Δεκ 30, 2015 08:21

The European Union is currently inviting Action Grants supporting transnational projects to prevent and combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia and other forms of intolerance. This call for proposals for action grants is based on the 2015 annual work programme of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (REC Programme). The proposals under this call will focus on the priorities described below:

Executive Agency for SMEs Call for proposals: ICT interoperability improvements in Member States to enhance information sharing for maritime surveillance

Δεκ 23, 2015 08:32

The objective of the present call is to support Member States in improving the interoperability of maritime surveillance authorities’ information systems to enhance cross-sector and cross-border information exchange to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of national authorities in ensuring safe, secure and environmentally protected seas. This includes the connection of national systems to national CISE nodes and/or setting up such national CISE nodes.

The deadline for submission for this call for proposals is 31th March 2016 at 16.00 (GMT +1)


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