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1-05-2013 'New Model Systems for Linking Evolutions and Ecology' (Germany)

Απρ 19, 2013 10:14

An event entitled 'New Model Systems for Linking Evolutions and Ecology' will be held from 1 to 4 May 2013 in Heidelberg, Germany.

The conference will be an opportunity for researchers to discuss the latest advances in satellite systems, that is, species that are closely related to conventional genetic model organisms and presenting entirely new models for evolutionary and ecological genetics and genomics. Special emphasis will be placed on the interaction between organisms as a basis for understanding ecological adaptation.

More details can be found at the following link:

01-05-2013 'Space in the brain: cells, circuits, codes and cognition' (United Kingdom)

Απρ 19, 2013 10:13

A conference entitled 'Space in the brain: cells, circuits, codes and cognition' will take place on 1 May 2013 in Buckinghamshire, UK.

Recent discoveries have revealed the microstructure of the brain's representation of self-location in the hippocampal formation, providing an ideal model system for investigating the neural codes of memory and cognition.

The event will bring together various researchers to discuss and exchange views on integrate advances in optogenetics, virtual-reality, inducible transgenics, neuroimaging and computational neuroscience to define the neural mechanisms of navigation, with implications extending to behavioural genetics, robotics and medicine.

More details can be found at the following link:

23-04-2013 Seventh International Conference on the Impact of Environmental Factors on Health (Hungary)

Απρ 18, 2013 13:43

The Seventh International Conference on the Impact of Environmental Factors on Health will take place from 23 to 25 April 2013 in Budapest, Hungary.

Environment-related health issues have become a major source of concern all over the world. Human health highly depends on several environmental factors such as air, water, soil and food quality.

The ability to remove hazardous substances from the environment relies heavily on the development of suitable experimental, modelling and interpretive techniques. Such techniques allow a balanced assessment of the risk involved as well as suggesting ways in which the situation can be improved. The interaction between environmental risk and health is often complex and can involve a variety of social, occupational and lifestyle factors. This emphasises the importance of considering an interdisciplinary approach.

More details can be found at the following link:

23-04-2013 'Stimulating Innovation in Plant Genetic Resources' (Belgium)

Απρ 18, 2013 13:41

An event entitled 'Stimulating Innovation in Plant Genetic Resources' will be held on 23 April 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.

The European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability is one of the main initiatives of the European Commission to support research and innovation in agriculture. The EIP is designed as a network facility for improving technological transfer from laboratory to farm and the feedback loop from the farm-level back into research programming. In practice, the EIP will strengthen the links between research funded under Horizon 2020 and more operational projects funded under Rural Development Programmes.

More details can be found at the following link:


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