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03/12/2019 - Future in Medicine - Innovative Cell and Gene Therapies (Brussels, Belgium)

Νοε 01, 2019 08:24

On 3 December 2019, the ATMP workshop "Future in Medicine – Innovative Cell and Gene Therapies" will take place in Brussels at the premises of the Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the European Union.

The workshop is organised by the Horizon 2020 research project CARAT in collaboration with BIO.NRW.

Training Course: "Entrepreneurship learning in an active network" in Romania

Οκτ 24, 2019 08:45

Training Course: "Entrepreneurship learning in an active network"
22-29 January 2020 | Bucharest, Romania

Entrepreneurship learning in an active network is a project to develop a network of European youth workers specialized in social entrepreneurship while expanding their know-how and mapping the local social entrepreneurship ecosystem.

14/11/2019 - Boosting Cross-Border Regions through better Transport! (Brussels)

Οκτ 21, 2019 13:26

The European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy and Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport are organising the conference on “Boosting Cross-Border Regions through better Transport!” taking place the 14 November 2019 at the Charlemagne Building in Brussels, Belgium.

Cross-border regions are the laboratories of European Integration. Daily interactions across the border let citizens experience the benefits of the internal market. However, many factors still prevent individuals and organisations to exploit their full-potential in these regions.

This conference comes as a natural follow-up to the study on missing rail links. It aims to share the results of the study to a broad range of stakeholders. It also aims to launch a public debate on the challenges of cross-border public transport services.

The event will bring together organisations associated with provision of transport networks and transport services and organisations engaged in cross-border cooperation.

13/11/2019 - New Innovations in Freshwater Aquaculture (Brussels)

Οκτ 21, 2019 12:58

Joint workshop organised by
Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union,
LUKE Natural Resources Institute Finland & European Committee of the Regions

Date: Wednesday 13th of November 2019, 9:30 – 12:30
Venue: European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101, Brussels



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