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30-31/03/2015 - 8th Financial Risks INTERNATIONAL FORUM (Paris, France)

Φεβ 25, 2015 09:04

The Institut Louis Bachelier, in cooperation with the Fondation du Risque, the Europlace Institute of Finance and the Louis Bachelier "Finance and Sustainable Growth" Laboratory, is pleased to invite you to the 8th Financial Risks International Forum.
In the current context, this year's forum will focus on "SCENARIOS, STRESS AND FORECASTS IN FINANCE".
The forum will be held in Paris, France between 30-31 March, 2015.

Further information:


Φεβ 20, 2015 11:04

EMMINVEST is organizing a webinar with the title "Promoting investment readiness and accelerating European mobile industry - SME's Internationalisation" on Wednesday, February 25th.

For further information see the attached file.

25-27/03/2015 - Oil & Gas Business Meetings at OMC 2015 (Ravenna, Italy)

Φεβ 17, 2015 09:55

Eurosportello-Chamber of Commerce of Ravenna, in cooperation with the Enterprise Europe Network and the SIMPLER consortium, will organise a b2b event in the framework of OMC 2015 – 12th Offshore Mediterranean Conference & Exhibition (Ravenna, Italy, 25-27 March 2015).

Further information:

14-16/10/2015 - EFSA’s 2nd Scientific Conference (Milan, Italy)

Φεβ 16, 2015 10:26

Στο Μιλάνο, στις 14-16 Οκτωβρίου 2015, θα διεξαχθεί το 2ο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο της Ευρωπαϊκής Αρχής για την Ασφάλεια των Τροφίμων (EFSA), με τίτλο «Διαμορφώνοντας μαζί το μέλλον της ασφάλειας τροφίμων».

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο επισυναπτόμενο αρχείο και στον σύνδεσμο:


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