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26-28/07/2016 - 13th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems (Lisbon, Portugal)

Δεκ 15, 2015 12:21

The 13th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems – WINSYS 2016 will be held in Lisbon, Portugal from 26 to 28 July 2016.

Further details:

26-28/07/2016 - 13th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (Lisbon, Portugal)

Δεκ 15, 2015 12:19

The 13th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications – SIGMAP 2016 will be held in Lisbon, Portugal from 26 to 28 July 2016.

Further details:

26-28/07/2016 - 7th International Conference on Data Communication Networking (Lisbon, Portugal)

Δεκ 15, 2015 12:15

The 7th International Conference on Data Communication Networking – DCNET 2016 will be held in Lisbon, Portugal from 26 to 28 July 2016.

Further details: DCNET 2016

07/01/2016 - The Input of BioMolecular Biobanking to Data Analytics and Medical Research (Cork, Ireland)

Δεκ 15, 2015 12:09

Biological tissues and associated data are necessary to understanding the causes of disease and developing new drugs and treatments. Likewise, data serves to analyse the influence of environment and lifestyle factors on health, constituting a basis for disease prevention programmes and the improvement of public health. The application of data analytics on health data can bring many benefits to healthcare.
On 7 January 2016, Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure – European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC) and Insight Centre for Data Analytics will host a seminar in Cork with the aim to demonstrate how Ireland could benefit from participating in one of the largest health infrastructures in Europe, BBMRI-ERIC, and more generally to update the research community on the contribution of BBMRI-ERIC to medical research.

Further details:


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