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17-18/02/2016 - EFFACE final conference (Brussels, Belgium)

Φεβ 01, 2016 09:51

"Combatting Environmental Crime: Priorities and Opportunities for further EU Action" is the title of the EFFACE final conference to be held in Brussels on 17-18 February 2016.

Further informaton:

01-03/03/2016 - ICIN 2016 (Paris, France)

Φεβ 01, 2016 09:48

The ICIN 2016 conference on ‘Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks’, is scheduled on March 1-3 in Paris, France.

Further information:

10-13/03/2016 - Adaptation Futures 2016 (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Φεβ 01, 2016 09:42

The 4th International Climate Change Adaptation Conference "Adaptation Futures 2016" will take place in Rotterdam, Netherlands, from 10 to 13 March 2016.

Further information:

08/03/2016 - Horizon 2020 Developing Winning Proposals (Cambridge, UK)

Ιαν 29, 2016 09:22

Workshop Date: 8th March 2016
Workshop Location: Cambridge, UK
Workshop Organiser: Singleimage Limited
The Workshop

Horizon 2020, the EU’s funding programme for research and innovation, was launched at the end of 2013. With a budget of over €70bn for the seven year period to 2020, it represents a significant source of support for research and innovation. Universities, companies large and small, institutes and government bodies can all be funded.
This workshop will explain how to develop a winning proposal for collaborative research projects in the areas of Societal Challenges and Enabling and Industrial Technologies programmes of Horizon 2020.

The workshop is ideal for researchers, research managers and advisors new to the framework programme, who are preparing a proposal and trying to understand what is involved in Horizon 2020. Note: those requiring information on the financial aspects of Horizon 2020 should attend one of our finance workshops.

Each workshop is designed to be interactive, and questions can be asked at any time. To facilitate this, attendance is limited to 24 participants. Our workshops are all given in English

Draft Agenda

09:00 Registration and coffee
09:30 Horizon 2020 Overview: projects and participants; project lifecycle: Workprogrammes, proposals, evaluation and criteria, grant preparation, monitoring and payments; effort required to propose and administer
11:00 Refreshment break
11:15 Societal Challenges and Enabling & Industrial Technologies: consortia and partnering; interest groups who influence or control; Excellence – project objectives, workprogrammes, positioning and ambitions
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Implementation: workplans, deliverables, management structure and consortium decision making, project effort
15:00 Refreshment break
15.15 Impact: reading the workprogramme, achieving impact through industry and other stakeholders, effective dissemination and exploitation, IP strategy
16:30 End of formal workshop

Related link:


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