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Funding for crucial Baltic Sea research

Απρ 18, 2013 13:52

Research is needed to address management of the Baltic Sea in the face of increasing human activities and environmental pressures. The good news is that millions of euros have been allocated to this vital cause.

Bridging the gap between science and policy

Απρ 18, 2013 13:50

Researchers and policymakers have a new platform for engagement on how to balance sustainable consumption and economic growth in Europe.

A series of events and an innovative internet platform will help to bridge some of the gaps between science and policy as part of the EU-supported Responder project. Five focus areas have been chosen for the project: housing, energy, finance, mobility and food.

Expanding bioactive compound research in Greece

Απρ 18, 2013 13:49

Measures are being taken to reinforce the research capability of Greece's Institute of Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry (IOPC) in areas where it is a recognised leader. The aim is to build its profile as a leading institute by building capacity and upgrading infrastructure.

The IOPC is part of the National Hellenic Research Foundation (NHRF) and is located in Athens' Attiki region. It specialises in the design and synthesis of bioactive chemicals that have potential applications in medicinal chemistry, catalysis and materials science.

Improving communication to aid the efficiency of public transport

Απρ 18, 2013 13:48

An efficient transport system doesn't only rely on clear roads and unobstructed rail and tram routes. Communication lines - such as mobile and broadband networks - also have to be kept free and moving for the whole public transport infrastructure to work safely and without hitch.


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