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Unveiling novel therapeutic targets in breast cancer

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:09

Understanding the critical mutational events underlying the development of cancer is paramount for advancing prevention, early detection and effective treatment of the disease. A European consortium is applying this rationale to determine the genetic events that drive breast cancer onset and progression.

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Promoting healing of the heart

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:08

Cardiovascular diseases such as myocardial infarction and stroke account for nearly half of the deaths in developed countries. A European consortium is proposing a new treatment for cardiac tissue repair through implantation of specialised scaffolds that resemble the extracellular matrix and support tissue regeneration.

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Cleaner images without a vacuum

Ιουν 27, 2013 11:08

Experimental techniques can require complicated preparation of samples, introducing errors and delays. With EU funding, scientists have simplified molecular imaging while increasing its resolution.

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Feature Stories - An active approach to digital archives

Ιουν 27, 2013 11:06

Archiving has long been considered a passive process: put the things you want to keep in a cool, dry place and forget about them until needed. But in the digital era, in which photos, videos, documents and other content are on hard drives, flash disks or on servers in ‘the cloud’ rather than in boxes in a cellar, archiving requires a much more active approach. EU-funded researchers are addressing the problem.

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