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Tackling drug resistance in the EU

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:30

Resistance to conventional drugs poses a significant health problem. However, an EU-funded project has achieved a better understanding of how certain bacteria behave, opening the door to new therapies and cures.

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A combinatorial method for improved brain imaging

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:28

By combining functional and structural imaging technologies, European scientists wished to improve the sensitivity and accuracy of brain imaging. Apart from neuroscience, the resultant hybrid scanner could be used in surgery and cancer diagnosis.

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Preserving museums' plastic artefacts

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:26

Plastic art objects stored in museum collections may deteriorate rapidly. The main objective of the POPART project was to identify potential risks associated with the preservation of plastic artefacts, and subsequently to develop a strategy to improve the storage conditions and maintenance of cultural artefacts made from plastic.

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Professional training for geological disposal

Ιουν 28, 2013 10:24

Radioactive waste management professionals with a background in any initial discipline can now be trained in geological disposal thanks to a programme recognised across Europe.

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