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Alzheimer’s disease protein controls movement in mice

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:27

HEIDELBERG, 24 June 2013 – Researchers in Berlin and Munich, Germany and Oxford, United Kingdom, have revealed that a protein well known for its role in Alzheimer’s disease controls spindle development in muscle and leads to impaired movement in mice when the protein is absent or treated with inhibitors. The results, which are published in The EMBO Journal, suggest that drugs under development to target the beta-secretase-1 protein, which may be potential treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, might produce unwanted side effects related to defective movement.

Controlling ship noise

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:26

Noise and vibration generated by ships cause serious discomfort for the crew, passengers, seacoast residents and marine ecosystem. The SILENV project proposed a global approach to investigate all of these noise-related annoyances and suggested ways to limit the noise.

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Coming together on sustainability

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:24

We depend on our natural environment, yet our activities and resultant emissions are rapidly carrying us to an unsustainable situation. ''Convergence'' is a relatively new visionary concept that comes to guide us on the path to global sustainability.

Further information:

Maternal immunisation to protect the newborn

Ιουλ 04, 2013 09:23

The neonatal immune system is underdeveloped and relies on maternal antibodies to fight neonatal diseases. A European consortium exploited this further by proposing maternal immunisation to protect newborns against a lethal infection of early onset.

Further information:


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