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Webinars demonstrate the success of TestPEP

Ιουλ 10, 2013 08:49

Plastic pipes have many advantages over pipes made from metals or concrete, such as good chemical resistance, low weight, low cost, and longer predicted service life, and are already used extensively for the transport of gas, water and chemicals. However their use in safety critical applications has been restricted by the lack of a validated inspection system being available to evaluate the joints.

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When we consume emotions instead of food

Ιουλ 10, 2013 08:46

Emotions play a decisive role in buying decisions, so in its sensory laboratory the AZTI-Tecnalia expert R&D centre in marine and foodstuff research is conducting studies to identify the emotions (desires, aspirations and motivations, among others) that influence the behaviour of consumers and habits associated with food. The aim is to orientate and focus the design of new products and establish them on the market on the basis of deeper knowledge about the emotions that lie behind them.

Understanding creativity, across sectors and across cultures

Ιουλ 10, 2013 08:44

Just what is creativity? While most of us have an idea of what the word means, a clear and simple definition is not so easy to agree on. Variously defined as the ability to generate new ideas, make new connections and solve problems, creativity can also refer to the ability to express original or novel ideas or produce useful products.

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Science education for the future

Ιουλ 10, 2013 08:42

In a democratic society, citizens need to be able to weigh the pros and cons when deciding what they believe and how they should vote. In today's knowledge-based society, that sometimes means having to understand technical and scientific issues. But do young people in Europe actually have the scientific literacy needed to participate in decisions that involve science?

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