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Innovative technology to prevent human trafficking

Ιουλ 10, 2013 09:07

The trafficking and smuggling of people (including women and children who are forced into the sex trade) has long been a problem for European governments concerned about the security of their citizens. The SCIIMS project carried out research and designed specific applications and algorithms to identify, organise and represent information related to such criminal activity.

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Supporting role in transport research

Ιουλ 10, 2013 09:06

National Contact Points (NCPs) help potential applicants across Europe to apply for EU research funding, but the service varies from country to country. An EU-funded network is supporting these information centres by helping to standardise the services they offer.

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The importance of knowledge in the era of globalisation

Ιουλ 10, 2013 09:05

Generating knowledge and translating it into innovation is vital for the future competitiveness of Europe. An EU-financed project has explored the fascinating link between knowledge production and the behaviour of companies and markets.

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Improving access to pharmaceuticals in poor countries

Ιουλ 10, 2013 09:03

Increasing access to pharmaceuticals in developing countries is a major challenge. Researchers have attempted to address this problem by examining related issues covering intellectual property (IP), product development and commercial licensing practices.

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