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Novel health care information system

Ιουλ 12, 2013 09:35

Health care organisations face tough challenges when it comes to providing good health care benefits in a cost-effective manner. Researchers funded by the EU and European Commission (EC) have set out to provide a comprehensive information system that will optimise decision making in this regard.

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Safely sweeping carbon under the proverbial rug

Ιουλ 12, 2013 09:34

Most people now agree that carbon dioxide (CO2) is changing the world''s climate in dangerous ways. EU-funded scientists are developing tools and technology to make underground carbon storage an attractive mitigator.

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On track for greener diesel trains

Ιουλ 12, 2013 09:33

EU-funded researchers are developing innovative railway rolling stock with diesel engines that achieve emission levels well below European limits. This will help secure the overall environmental advantage of the EU''s railway system for the future.

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Getting value from biodiesel waste - Glycerol

Ιουλ 12, 2013 09:31

EU-funded scientists are developing novel ways to use the over-abundance of glycerol, a by-product from biodiesel production. Bioconversion to other liquid fuels or energy forms and green chemicals will reduce waste and enhance economic performance.

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