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Environmental effects on reproductive system

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:42

An EU-funded project aimed to elucidate the possible link between male reproductive health problems and developmental (foetal and neonatal) exposure to common environmental chemicals.

Male reproductive health problems, such as undescended testis, hypospadias, testicular cancer and poor semen quality are inter-linked and may reflect disruption of testicular development (testicular dysgenesis syndrome, TDS). Environmental chemicals can contribute to disorders of reproductive health.

Increasing the accuracy of disease detection

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:41

EU-funded scientists are developing miniaturised balloons that will help doctors identify disease early and non-invasively. The microballoons will highlight tissue differences using three types of imaging technologies simultaneously.

High-quality imaging of the human body either at rest or when performing specific tasks is an important tool in diagnosing pathological changes in tissue structure and function. The ability to use two or more imaging systems simultaneously (multimodality imaging) significantly increases the power of diagnosis.

Science meets policy on climate change

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:40

In-depth research on climate change, its impacts and the effectiveness of current policies is helping the EU establish more coherent strategies to safeguard our societies'' well-being.

Making access to fresh water possible for everyone

Ιουλ 24, 2013 10:39

Purification of contaminated water will give millions of people access to safe water for drinking and irrigation. EU-funded scientists are developing simple and inexpensive technology to facilitate this.


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