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Science matters, and society has leverage

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:25

Some 30 science festivals and science centres/museums from across Europe were brought together to spotlight the field of life sciences. Project partners used EU funding in this way to increase visitors and boost citizen impact for enhanced debate on the implications of science in society.

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Networking for improved children's universities

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:24

Following the opening of the Children's University of Tubingen (2002) in Germany, the innovative idea of children's universities has caught on. Introducing a new format for science awareness activities, 100 of these children's universities have to date hosted 1 million youngsters between the ages of 7 and 12 years.

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Improving safety and quality of food

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:22

Quality assessment is fundamental for maintaining the highest safety and nutritional standards of foodstuffs. Foods can be adulterated, either by mistake or through fraud. To cope with this problem, the EU has spent almost EUR 170 000 for a project which developed novel food testing methods.

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Toward harmonised aircraft communication

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:21

A key requirement for aircraft security is an efficient and modern communication network. The procedure carried out before each take-off requires input by multiple individuals at each stage. A fail in communication may lead to an accident and, with air traffic in Europe estimated to grow 50% by 2035, integrating communication in a clear and coherent manner is paramount to safe and efficient transport.

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