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A new perspective on economic indicators

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:31

Indicators that assess economic progress are failing to consider crucial issues related to sustainability and climate change. A new approach to measuring progress is required.

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Consulting civil society on climate change measures

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:29

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) worked closely with EU researchers to aid in the transition from today's high carbon society to one that is more climate friendly. Energy scenarios outlining low-carbon futures were developed with the help of CSOs to enhance their acceptance of the resulting low carbon pathways.

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New ways to improve aircraft aerodynamics

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:28

Air transport has a heavy environmental impact and if the sector is to be viable in the long-term, aircraft will have to become more sustainable. Researchers are investigating how to use emerging plasma-based technologies to improve the aerodynamics of aircraft.

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Welded joints to stand the test of time

Αυγ 03, 2013 18:27

Welding is the most common way to join two metal pieces together. EU-funded scientists and engineers are developing detailed a modelling framework for fusion welding process to enhance performance and reliability to welded components and structures

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