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Identifying virus inhibitors for rapid drug development

Αυγ 08, 2013 10:18

EU-funded scientists are accelerating the discovery of wide-spectrum antiviral drugs. Pre-existing supplies of therapeutic agents will ensure a rapid response to epidemics.

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Feature Stories - Kick-starting Europe's electric vehicle industry

Αυγ 08, 2013 10:18

Electric vehicles (e-vehicles, or EVs) are set to play a key role in the future of urban mobility, reducing pollution, decreasing dependence on fossil fuels and saving drivers money. Although e-vehicles make up only a tiny fraction of the European car fleet at present, sales are expected to grow exponentially over the coming years, thanks, in no small measure, to advances in e-vehicle technology being made by EU-funded researchers.

The road to better health for adolescents

Αυγ 08, 2013 10:17

From anorexia and asthma to cataracts, diabetes and obesity, illnesses and conditions that develop in middle age very often originate in childhood and adolescence. Evidence suggests that if adolescents had healthier lifestyles, they would enjoy a much better quality of life as adults.

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Boosting productivity and inspiring innovation through the cloud

Αυγ 08, 2013 10:16

An EU-funded project that aims to demonstrate the importance of mobile cloud computing to EU business was presented recently at the Future Network and Mobile Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. Through the launch of a European cloud platform for business apps, the project hopes to put Europe at the cutting edge of this emerging technology.

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