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EU–Mediterranean unity reinforces clothing sector

Αυγ 13, 2013 12:39

By collaborating with partner countries in the Mediterranean, the EU has breathed new life into its textile and clothing industry, thanks to knowledge exchange and a powerful long-term vision.

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EU–Russia science cooperation reaches new heights

Αυγ 13, 2013 12:38

A long-term scheme to foster joint projects in science and technology (S&T) between the EU and Russia has gone into full swing, backed by several studies and a new joint pilot call for projects.

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Research bridges connecting the west to the Far East

Αυγ 13, 2013 12:37

The EU and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have been striving to deepen research collaboration between the two regions. An EU-funded project has set up numerous initiatives to help achieve this goal.

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Sustainable water use for industry

Αυγ 13, 2013 12:36

Industries such as paper, food, chemistry and textile need large amounts of fresh water. An EU-funded project is developing new, reliable and cost-effective technologies to mitigate related environmental impacts and promote sustainable water use.

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