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Understanding how our brain works

Αυγ 19, 2013 13:40

SPACEBRAIN project scientists were particularly interested in how our brain combines motion-related information with visual information to obtain coherent representation of our location in space. Project results have important ramifications for understanding and treating many neurological diseases.

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Protection of marine ecosystems from climate changes

Αυγ 19, 2013 13:39

EU-funded scientists are evaluating the effect of climate on marine systems using research results and a public opinion poll. Recommendations should help enhance science policy, science and public engagement.

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Phase change materials for efficient energy storage and release

Αυγ 19, 2013 13:34

Buildings make a significant contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. EU-funded scientists are developing novel insulation materials that store the Sun's heat and later release it and, better yet, they can be retrofit in existing buildings.

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Quieter jet engines get ready to take off

Αυγ 19, 2013 13:33

European researchers have devised novel methods capable of reducing the fan noise from aeroengines in the lab. Low-noise engines can reduce the noise levels of aircraft significantly.

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