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A glimpse into the future of robotic technology

Αυγ 26, 2013 13:42

Replicating human behaviour in robots has long been a central objective of scientists working in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).

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Work on cell memory mechanism could help identify disease-causing mutations

Αυγ 26, 2013 13:42

When a 'mother' cell divides into 'daughter' cells - as often as once every 24 hours - the latter inherit the identity and functions of the former. A team at Sweden's Karolinska Institutet has recently unveiled the mechanisms behind this memory transmission, with help from various institutions and EU-funded projects.

Developing low-cost nanofillers

Αυγ 26, 2013 13:41

Researchers are developing low-cost nanocomposite foams to use as lightweight materials to fill large composite structures.

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Towards sustainable marine management in Europe

Αυγ 26, 2013 13:40

The EU has several objectives for the holistic and integrated management of marine ecosystems. To implement these objectives, well researched and fully costed options need to be developed for use by governments and other agencies.

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