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Acoustic waves warn of tsunami

Αυγ 30, 2013 10:15

When a coastal area is about to be hit by the waves of a tsunami, time is everything. The earlier we know where and when it is going to hit the coast, the more chances there are to evacuate the area. Early warning systems play a crucial role. Until now, seismic signals were used to issue such warning. These are subsequently confirmed or cleared by measuring sea level height. This approach stems from the fact that shallow submarine earthquakes exceeding a given magnitude are the most likely causes of tsunamis.

Exploring and exploiting engineered oxide interfaces

Αυγ 30, 2013 10:13

An EU-funded project has successfully integrated an oxide superlattice into a prototype electronic device. Using the new-found capabilities of the interfaces between complex oxides could revolutionise the electronics sector.

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Toward complete conversion of hydrogen to electricity

Αυγ 30, 2013 10:12

EU-funded scientists made important advances in materials and systems research toward the next generation of high-efficiency fuel cells. The goal is hydrogen to electricity conversion with 100 % single-stage fuel utilisation.

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Scavenging waste heat using thermoelectric technology

Αυγ 30, 2013 10:10

Recovery of waste heat in the automotive, aerospace and manufacturing sectors has clear environmental benefits. A European project has based its research on the development of new energy-harvesting, nano-enabled thermoelectric (TE) materials.

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