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Lighter-weight energy storage for transport

Σεπ 13, 2013 14:02

How can hybrid cars improve their efficiency and become more viable alternatives to conventional road vehicles? European researchers focused oninnovative composite materials that lower the weight of hybrid vehicles by integrating energy storage systems.

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Helping young Europeans lost in transition to work

Σεπ 13, 2013 14:01

Increasing numbers of young people in Europe are being left behind in the transition from school to work. An EU-funded project investigated the high rate of youth unemployment for the purpose of informing future policies.

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A boost for European integration

Σεπ 13, 2013 14:00

To ensure that Europe does not get left behind in global economic competition, an EU-funded project provided policymakers with a new perspective on the future of the European Single Market.

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Improving consumer acceptance of gluten-free products

Σεπ 13, 2013 13:58

Recent years have shown a marked demand for gluten-free products, mainly offered by small and medium-sized enterprises. Seeking to improve the competitiveness of these businesses, the GLUTENFREE project worked to enable them to produce premium gluten-free bakery products and pasta with increased consumer acceptance.

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