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Quality boost for health-care systems

Σεπ 16, 2013 12:03

Improved classification of European hospital patients and services will help reimburse costs where applicable, and will provide improved support for patients on many levels. Extended, this initiative could also be beneficial on a global scale.

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Giving paralysed people control and independence

Σεπ 16, 2013 11:57

A device that offers paralysed individuals - including those in the most severe 'locked-in' state - better control and communication has been developed and improved, thanks to a project funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

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A cost-effective look at proteins - with a little help from robotics

Σεπ 16, 2013 11:56

An efficient and cost effective new method of studying the movement of proteins in the body has been developed through an EU-funded project. By taking advantage of the fact that proteins and robot arms both move in a similar way, the COMPMECH team has been able to adapt certain algorithms to simulate protein behaviour.

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Customised fashion goes online

Σεπ 15, 2013 22:23

Consumers can now tailor-make apparel online and try out items in a three-dimensional (3D) virtual environment, adding an important edge to the clothing sector in Europe.


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