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Malaria research network breaks new ground

Σεπ 16, 2013 12:21

Formidable new malaria research infrastructure promises to bring scientists much closer to finding a vaccine for this virulent disease, thus helping communities at risk worldwide.

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A new, eco-friendly cotton bleaching technique

Σεπ 16, 2013 12:20

A recent EU-funded project proposed a novel, environmentally friendly cotton bleaching technology to replace current toxic and costly techniques.

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Understanding the vital role of alpha-catenin in embryo development

Σεπ 16, 2013 12:19

Adherens junctions are groups of proteins that function together to control adhesion between cells, cell migration and cell signalling. A recent study has examined the effects of one such protein, alpha-catenin, on cell dynamics in zebrafish embryos.

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Predictive models for groundwater contamination

Σεπ 16, 2013 12:17

It has become increasingly apparent over the last 20 to 30 years that European groundwater resources are at risk: a wide variety of stressors, especially contaminants, are to blame.

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