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New insights into landslides, floods and erosion

Οκτ 01, 2013 13:10

Studying an area vulnerable to landslides in New Zealand has helped produce valuable tools and methods to further geoscience and possibly manage natural disasters in a better way.

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NUP/UPNA researchers develop a method that automatically delimits areas of the brain in medical images

Οκτ 01, 2013 13:09

A piece of research submitted by the Artificial Intelligence and Approximate Reasoning Group (GIARA) of the NUP/UPNA-Public University of Navarre received an award from the European Association of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing (EUSFLAT) during its biennial meeting (EUSFLAT 2013) held in Milan last week. The researchers have developed a method that improves the delimitation of tumours in medical images.

Reducing CO2 footprint with bio-plastics

Οκτ 01, 2013 13:08

Today, the vast majority of plastics are still made using non-renewable fossil fuels, especially petroleum. With concerns about environmental impact and climate change increasing, some researchers have begun to look for alternatives.

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Solving the bottleneck in biogas production

Οκτ 01, 2013 13:07

Agro-biogas plants produce renewable energy, extracting gas produced in the anaerobic fermentation of animal manures mixed with organic wastes from the food sector. One by-product of this fermentation process is a thick liquid waste called 'digestate', which is difficult to manage but rich in organic matter and minerals.

Further information:


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