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Two-in-one measurement system for novel nanowires

Οκτ 09, 2013 09:08

Miniature semiconductor wires offer exciting potential for new devices in a variety of fields. Simultaneous measurement of structural and electrical data will facilitate rapid and accurate characterisation of properties, speeding up design.

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Low-cost manufacture of high-tech optical materials

Οκτ 09, 2013 09:08

Light manipulation is used in devices ranging from lenses to optical fibres. Low-cost manufacturing techniques for novel 'supernatural' optical materials could put the stuff of science fiction on store shelves soon.

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Broadening energy technology

Οκτ 09, 2013 09:07

An EU-funded project contributed to unlocking the research potential of less developed regions in the EU by improving the research capacities of a top Polish research centre.

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Minimising defects to maximise functionality on the nanoscale

Οκτ 09, 2013 09:06

The control of defects at the very small interfaces in nanocomposites is critical to customising desired properties. Scientists provided insight into design solutions for an important class of materials using a novel technique.

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