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Meeting of minds on innovative food technologies

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:34

The European food and drink industry is one of the most innovative in the world. It leads in developing innovative techniques and technologies for producing safe, tasty and nutritional foods.

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Second life for waste paper in the construction industry

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:32

Cellulose, the primary ingredient in paper, is a highly efficient insulator and could offer the construction industry an effective, environmentally friendly alternative to convention insulation. However, until now there has been no easy way for builders to use cellulose.

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How to treat ship wastewater efficiently and effectively

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:31

Ship-source polluting discharges constitute a criminal offence under EU law, with operators facing increasing scrutiny. Even the discharge of bilge water - seawater that collects in a ship and must be pumped out - has to be done within tight regulations, as it often mixes with oil and toxic chemicals.

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Revealing functional differences in brain health and disease

Οκτ 20, 2013 02:30

The EU-funded SYNSYS project will study synaptic structure and function by integrating systems biology through computational modelling with proteomics, genomics and synaptic physiology. The SYNSYS consortium comprises of 16 European academic laboratories and 4 commercial enterprises with expertise in the area of synapse function.

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