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Making aeroplanes cheaper and quieter

Οκτ 20, 2013 03:05

European researchers are developing systems that can seamlessly change the shape of an aircraft's wings. This technology has the potential to reduce the cost of flights and the noise of aircraft.

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Demonstrating safe and permanent CO2 storage before injection begins

Οκτ 20, 2013 03:04

An EU-funded project is drawing up guidelines for the characterisation of potential underground sites for storing carbon dioxide (CO2). These storage sites must be safe, financially viable and environmentally friendly.

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A good night's sleep

Οκτ 20, 2013 03:02

How can we ensure a good night's sleep? A team of scientists looked at new technologies to design a new system enhancing our hours of rest.

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Mitigating methane and sulfide production in sewers

Οκτ 20, 2013 03:02

Researchers are investigating promising strategies to mitigate the detrimental production and build-up of sulphide and methane in wastewater collection systems.

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