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Natural thermal stability for industrial application

Οκτ 20, 2013 03:21

Enzymes are nature's catalysts, protein molecules that facilitate chemical reactions. Scientists are exploiting novel enzymes produced by microbes living in very hot terrestrial environments for use in harsh industrial processes.

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Exploring all angles of personalised nutrition

Οκτ 20, 2013 03:20

The insights provided by genomics can lead to personalised nutritional programmes tailored to each person's individual health profile. An EU-supported project is formulating a road map to capitalise on the opportunities and tackle any obstacles to this promising service.

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Superalloys equal stronger, greener turbines

Οκτ 20, 2013 03:19

Researchers are developing lightweight components for turbines along with tougher coating systems. Combining these innovations improves the efficiency and reliability of large-scale industrial structures.

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Strengthening research cooperation with Africa

Οκτ 20, 2013 03:18

An EU-funded project is establishing a framework for collaboration and the coordination of research programmes between Africa and Europe. This network will strengthen African research capacities and improve their impact.

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