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Dealing with the rise in personalised health monitoring

Οκτ 22, 2013 10:00

An EU-funded project has developed a European approach to the combined regulation of ethical, legal and psychosocial constraints associated with personalised health monitoring (PHM).

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Unravelling the mechanisms of learning and memory

Οκτ 22, 2013 09:59

Understanding the complexities of learning and memory requires a multidisciplinary approach covering neuroscience, computational modelling and more. Expert mentors are training new scientists to ensure continued progress.

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Beaming future for young researchers

Οκτ 22, 2013 09:49

Of all projects on the first European roadmap for research infrastructures, 40 % include particle accelerators within their scope of study. A multidisciplinary network ensures the inclusion of beam diagnostics.

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Hepatitis C virus - host interactions promote replication

Οκτ 22, 2013 09:48

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) can cause severe liver disease. While treatment options are improving, they still have limitations and are not available globally. An EU-funded project 'Subversion of host trafficking machinery by hepatitis C virus to promote viral replication' (HCV HOST TRAFFICKING) has improved the understanding of the mechanism by which HCV replicates in humans.

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