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Rapid, early diagnosis of multiple diseases

Νοε 04, 2013 09:49

Scientists developed a novel platform for high-throughput screening for numerous biomarkers of multiple diseases. Capable of analysing the biological sample directly, it is generating intense commercial interest.

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The best of both worlds for solar energy conversion

Νοε 04, 2013 09:48

Solar cell technology is facing a bottleneck to widespread uptake related to price, stability and energy conversion efficiency. Scientists are combining benefits of two third-generation technologies to overcome hurdles.

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Building capacity for resource management in Africa

Νοε 04, 2013 09:47

Natural resources in Africa are threatened by a lack of management, and this can negatively affect socioeconomic outcomes, particularly for the poor. Researchers are developing tools and strategies to improve on resource management on a regional scale.

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Role of macrophages in metastasis

Νοε 04, 2013 09:46

Macrophages play an important role in metastasis initiation. An EU-funded project's goal is to develop a model system for analysis of the interaction of cancer cells and macrophages.

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