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Quantum electrodynamics — Research and development

Νοε 06, 2013 09:46

Scientists can now manipulate the coupling between light and matter at its most elemental state — between a few atoms and photons. A large partnership between industry and academia has recruited 14 young scientists to push the state of the art in this field.

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Manufacturing durable textiles from plant fibres

Νοε 06, 2013 09:45

Natural fibres have been used in textiles for thousands of years and are an attractive alternative to petroleum-based polymers for textile manufacture. Researchers have recently developed a range of textiles made from biopolymers that have a drastically reduced environmental impact without sacrificing durability.

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Spintronics – merging electricity and magnetism

Νοε 06, 2013 09:43

Conventional electronics rely on the charge of electrons to produce certain functions. Scientists are developing novel materials for use in spintronics, applied in devices that benefit from electrons' magnetic properties as well.

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Sustainable dairy farming in Europe

Νοε 06, 2013 09:41

Organic and low-input dairy farming have become attractive choices for environmentally conscious farmers, but there are still some technical and economic hurdles. Researchers are working with farmers and industry partners to develop new methods and tools to make organic and low-input dairy production more competitive.

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