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Alternative drugs for the treatment of prostate cancer

Νοε 07, 2013 22:23

A major problem of hormonal chemotherapy in prostate cancer is the development of drug resistance. An EU-funded project has been developing new alternative therapeutics for the treatment.

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Optimising trade-offs between speedy and accurate decision-making

Νοε 07, 2013 22:22

Time is of the essence, as the saying goes, and it is also an essential feature of many simple decisions made on a daily basis. Scientists are investigating the speed–versus–accuracy trade-off related to maximisation of reward.

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Researchers build new simulations of solar weather

Νοε 07, 2013 22:21

Understanding space weather is important in order to better protect telecommunications and power distribution networks. New research is developing simulations and modelling software to better understand how the Sun influences space weather in our solar system.

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Producing neurotoxins to study the nervous system

Νοε 07, 2013 22:20

Neurological toxins occur throughout the natural world and vary greatly in their effect on humans. Researchers have developed a high-throughput microbiological system to produce various neurotoxins and test their effects on the nervous system.

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