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Better and cheaper insulation

Νοε 07, 2013 22:40

New materials mean thinner, better and cheaper insulation than conventional alternatives. Advances in their development are slated to reduce European energy consumption.

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Optimising stem cell technology

Νοε 07, 2013 22:39

Stem cell-based therapies depend on robust supply of stem cells of adequate quality. The EU-funded HYPERLAB project developed new technologies for improved cultivation and differentiation of human stem cells.

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Unravelling the role of macrophages in CGD

Νοε 07, 2013 22:38

European scientists are working to unravel the significance and mechanisms of granuloma formation in chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). The project is focusing on the suppressed function of macrophages at granuloma sites and how this could be therapeutically targeted.

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Unravelling the mechanisms of mutagenesis

Νοε 07, 2013 22:37

European scientists wished to address the process of mutagenesis and how distinct patterns are influenced by their genomic localisation. Given the low mutation rates of wet-lab experiments, the HUMVAR study followed a bioinformatics approach on hundreds of sequenced human and mammalian genomes.

Further information:


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