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Sustainable olive mill wastewater treatment

Νοε 07, 2013 22:52

A recent EU-funded project aimed at creating growth in and strengthening relationships between regions involved in industrial wastewater treatment. The focus was on olive mill wastewater, which causes a number of environmental problems if left untreated.

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Smart solutions for Europe's integrated power grid

Νοε 07, 2013 22:51

The EU plans to complete its ambitious single market in energy by 2014. A European research project has come up with advanced algorithms and models to help network operators manage the cross-border flow of electricity efficiently, reliably and sustainably.

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Large-scale production of nano-patterned products

Νοε 07, 2013 22:50

New component and device designs in many industries are based on very small, even nano-scale, features requiring very high-precision manufacturing processes. EU-funded scientists have delivered a solution.

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Carbon-based, nano-composites

Νοε 07, 2013 22:49

Scientists are integrating carbon-based materials of very small dimensions into both the matrix and the reinforcing fibres of composites. The goal is production of novel mechanical, electrical and thermal properties for aeronautical components.

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