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High-tech glass for everything

Νοε 07, 2013 22:58

Glass these days is high-tech and versatile. A new research training initiative means enhanced glass materials for a range of industries.

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Targeted therapies against cardiovascular disease

Νοε 07, 2013 22:57

Researchers have identified potential molecular targets for the treatment of stroke, as well as diabetes-related kidney, artery and retina damage.

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Cogenerating heat and power for industrial process applications with high temperature nuclear reactor systems

Νοε 07, 2013 22:54

Cogeneration of heat and power (CHP) is a very efficient way to produce electricity and steam for industry. Scientists and engineers are developing a similar concept for next-generation nuclear reactors to produce greener energy.

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How wheat recycles nutrients

Νοε 07, 2013 22:53

Nutrient recovery from senescing tissues to developing grains is a tightly regulated process that affects the nutritional value of crops. Researchers are studying the wheat grain protein content (GPC) gene in detail as it may play an important role in the process.

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