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Improving aircraft manufacture through better validation

Νοε 15, 2013 20:27

Researchers developed a testing and simulation system to build large structures made of composite materials for the frames of aircraft. This will result in faster, cheaper assembly lines and lighter, more efficient planes.

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Exploiting chloroplast signalling for plant growth

Νοε 15, 2013 20:26

To increase plant productivity under sub-optimal conditions requires in-depth knowledge of plant metabolic mechanisms. European scientists have studied links between photosynthesis pathways and environmental stress.

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A novel intranasal flu vaccine

Νοε 15, 2013 20:25

Vaccination is the cornerstone of influenza prophylaxis. Based on this, leading European immunologists joined forces to develop a pandemic vaccine against the avian influenza H5N1 virus that would be delivered via the nasal route.

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Ensuring the reliability of aircraft guidance and control

Νοε 15, 2013 20:24

Researchers have developed new fault-detection technologies for aircraft to bridge the gap between theoretical methods and real-world practices in the industry. The innovations will enable greener flying technologies and improve the competitiveness of the aeronautics industry.

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